(text-colour:red)[Come closer.]
[[→->2]] [(text-colour:red)[Yes, you, acolyte.
Come here so I can see you.]]
[[→->3]] [(text-colour:red)[Lean in a little.
Lower your head.]]
(text-rotate-z:9)[[[→->5]]] (text-colour:red)[That's it. Wonderful.]
(text-rotate-z:2)[Open your mouth for me.]
(text-rotate-z:359)[Don't bite now, alright?]
[[→->7]]I'm just teasing.
You have such wonderful bones.
[[→->8]][''''(text-colour:red)[Would you please get down on your knees for me?]'''']
(text-rotate-z:359)[[[→->9]]](text-colour:red)[Thank you.
There you go.
Let me feel your face.]
[[→->11]] [You've gone through a lot, haven't you?]
[[→->12]] [Yes, yes. I know.]
[[→->13]] [The outside world is a lot to deal with.
But it's just you and me now.]
[[→->14]] [There's no need to worry, acolyte.
I'll treat you well.]
[[→->15]] [It's your reward for working so hard.
Yes, relax, just like that.]
[[→->16]]Try to stay still.
[[→->17]]This is going to burn.
[[→->18]]...Yes, you'll probably go blind.
I'll try to avoid getting it in your eyes, if that'll make you happy.
[[→->19]]You'll be good for me, won't you?
I'll let you rest once it's all over.
[[→->20]]Alright. Stay just like that.
(text-style:"rumble")[[[→->25]]]I can't avoid damaging your eyes if you're going to shake so much.
(text-style:"shudder")[[[→->26]]]I'm trying to be careful here.
Keep looking at me.
(text-style:"buoy")[[[→->27]]]I know it hurts, but you have to hold on.
I'll make you //clean// and //pure//.
(text-rotate-z:2)[Reshape] (text-rotate-z:355)[you] (text-rotate-z:2)[ in my] (text-rotate-z:355)[own] image... (text-rotate-z:358)[hmm] (text-rotate-z:2)[hmm...] (text-rotate-z:359)[♪]
[[→->29]](text-colour:white)[//The priestess is humming a song. Your flesh is melting.
With every second, the searing pain seeps further into your skull.//]
[[→->31]]Ah, look at you. So pretty.
I knew there'd be a familiar resemblance somewhere in there.
[[→->32]]You didn't even pass out.
Such a good livestock.
[[→->33]]...Oh, perhaps you are in shock.
[[→->34]]Let's rinse off the rest with water, alright?
[[→->39]]The first stage of your purification is now complete.
The others are going to be jealous.
You look much lovelier like this.
[[→->40]]All tender and exposed... the //real// you.
(text-rotate-z:358)[Isn't] (text-rotate-z:2)[that] (text-rotate-z:359)[right?]
[[→->41]](text-colour:white)[//Her fingertips lightly trace over your raw nerves and you involuntarily clench your teeth so hard you fear they are going to crack.//]
[[→->42]](text-colour:white)[//But maybe she would like that.//]
(text-style:"condense")[(text-colour:(hsl:0,0.8039,0.5,0.8))[(link: "Return")[(goto-url: 'https://alicehorrorshow.neocities.org/thorn/main')]]]