All of this is going to be unhinged and unedited rambling. Please enjoy.

-I like Gabriel's description in the bestiary the first time you beat him

-i also like all the backstory you hear about him defeating Minos and Sisyphus, the tone of the writings you find about it is so devastated... oohhhjoooo. the fact that he kills minos without even hearing him out is so hot. 0 brain cell activity just devoted faith

-i like how horrifying the mannequins are. in general violence had some awesome body horror, like the guttertanks

-in general i like all the deeplore about the war causing the creation of the V models and earthmover, it's very cool

-i'm very intrigued by the terminal texts

-i loveeee limbo and meatgrinder as level concepts. it's very cool that they're mechanical and electrical... oh god oh fuck.... the more advanced technical systems coming across as 'heavenly' as opposed to the rust-and-cogs 'hell' vibe.... the electric blue light of the angel's wings.... the industrial soundtrack..... much to think about. it all works together so well

-i also like the implication in the sentry's bio about machine vision; if the sentry seeing things in full HD is uncommon and most machines choose a lower resolution for performance reasons, does that mean the reason the game is low-poly is because we're seeing it through V1's singular eye? That kicks ass.